28th August 2014
Call for Accountable Leadership for our Country’s Unity, Safety and Security
“Much will be required of the one who has been given much, and more will be asked of the one entrusted with more” (Luke 12: 48)
We the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholic Justice and Peace Commission gathered here in Kwale County in the Archdiocese of Mombasa for our Annual General Meeting, have convened this press conference to address Kenyans on current issues facing the country.
First and foremost we relay our heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims and people of Mandera County following the recent killings and inter-clan conflict which has occasioned massive destruction of lives and property. As a peace commission we are highly concerned with systematic arming of different militia groups, radicalization of the youth and conflicts leadings to massive killings, displacement, and destruction of property being witnessed in different counties. These continued insecurity and heinous acts are totally unacceptable. How many more lives must be lost for us Kenyans to say enough is enough? every life is precious we urge all sides to stop this culture of death. “an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind”( Ghandi) violence will only perpetuate violence
As a commission for justice and peace we have witnessed different political divides and groups agitating for and against referendum. While this might be necessary it is important for Kenyans to be adequately informed and involved for the interest of the nation and not for individual or political groupings’ interests. All leaders are called to be motivated by the ‘common good for the people of Kenya’.
Kenyans have sadly witnessed serious power struggles and political patronage of our elected leaders (Members of County Assemblies, MPs, Senators, Women Representatives, Governors and national leaders) at the expense of service to the people of Kenya.
The commission is aware of the complexities of the historical roots of the land question in Kenya. This aspect has remained largely unanswered and every attempt by the government to address the question leaves more to be desired.
In view of the foregoing concerns, the Catholic Justice and Peace Commission recommend the following
• The political class should widely consult and create awareness on the issue of referendum to ensure that it is for the interest of Kenyans and not serve their own interests
• Historically the security sector has been receiving the lion share of public resources ostensibly to keep Kenyans safe and secure. The government should ensure that these resources for sure are utilized to keep Kenyans free from the insecurity threats they are facing today. We call upon the government to stop the rhetoric on security of the country but to act swiftly and decisively to ensure that Kenyans are safe and secure
• On the land question, the government and its institutions should enforce the comprehensive framework as provided in the Constitution of Kenya 2010 and subsequent laws on land.
• The government should implement the recommendations of Ndung’u Land Report and the Truth Justice and Reconciliation Commission report.
• We remind Kenyans that safety and security is every person’s responsibility. Rhetoric, double speak and blame games on issues of security should stop hence forth. All leaders both the ruling coalition and opposition must unite to make this country secure.
• Each elected leader must play his/her constitutionally assigned role to serve Kenyans and desist from the incessant power struggles and political patronage.
• Youth unemployment continues to remain a threat to security! all must be done in training and development.
• Devolved governance should be at the fore front in providing citizen participation in development issues.
• We urge all Kenyas to be their brothers/sisters keeper, this country is for us all and so are the resources there in. learn to share and protect them.
God Bless Kenya
Signed on the 29th
Most. Rev. Zacchaeus Okoth
KCCB – Catholic Justice and Peace Commission
Rt. Rev. Cornelius Korir
Vice Chairman
KCCB – Catholic Justice and Peace Commission
Rt. Rev. Martin Kivuva Musonde
KCCB – Catholic Justice and Peace Commission
Also signed by all the Catholic Justice and Peace Commissioners from the following Arch/Dioceses and representatives from Association of sisterhood of Kenya(AOSK) and Religious Superiors’ Congregations of Kenya(RCSK)